Xuehai Qian is an assistant professor at University of Southern California. His research interests include domain-specific systems and architectures for emerging applications such as machine learning and graph analytics, and recently hardware security and quantum computing. He got his Ph.D from UIUC. He is the recipient of W.J Poppelbaum Memorial Award at UIUC, NSF CRII and CAREER Award, and the inaugural ACSIC (American Chinese Scholar In Computing) Rising Star Award. He is inducted to the “Hall of Fame” of ASPLOS and HPCA; and Computer Architecture Aggregated Hall-of-Fame.
PhD in Computer Science, 2013
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
MS in Computer Science, 2007
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
BS in Computer Science, 2004
Beihang Univeristy, China